I should have hated this game. DQ XI was my first for the series.I didn’t think there was anything interesting left to experience in DQ. Very simple combat and being way too generic were my main criticisms. Somehow DQ IV keeps the simple combat but is anything but generic.

The story is split into 5 main chapters(6 being additional content) with the 5th chapter being about half the length of the game. For the first 4 chapters you are playing as a different character in each with their own goals and story. They meet up with some sort of ally and continue towards their goal on different sides of the continent. Chapter 1 was the most basic but it makes sense as the start of the game. 2 became more interesting with your trio and the final location was very memorable for multiple reasons. 3rd chapter was the highlight personally as it was so unique for me. Playing as a shopkeeper and choosing to do the mundane tasks at the start was great. Going out and exploring when you get some money only to find a town that requires a shopkeeper and will reward you handsomely. After getting the reward you understand what the larger point of this chapter is. You can stay and choose to become insanely rich or continue again exploring. Chapter 4 was an ok chapter but didn’t really stand out other than the boss.

It’s only in the 5th chapter when you get to play as the main protagonist of the story as you go around the world recruiting each of previous chapter protagonists. The game becomes a bit more open as you can do lots of events out of order towards a linear goal. After your short trek throughout the various islands you will be powerful enough to fight the final boss. This final boss and the post game boss were a nice challenge assuming you don’t grind hard.

After playing this I am looking forward to DQ V (monster collecting) and DQ XIII(althought it might be a mini DQ XI) which I didn't think I would say in 2022.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022


2 years ago

you're right the old DQ games still have a lot to offer :) I'm curious what you will think of DQ V it was my favorite in the series. Doesn't DQ XI reference DQ III a whole lot? Might be interesting to look at if you're out of DQ games to play. Even DQ I can be fun because it's so short and more or less the first JRPG.

2 years ago

I'm sure it references a lot but they just went over my head. I won't be playing other ones anytime soon but looking forward to the 2D remake of 3 to maybe get me to play the trilogy.