Pros: A "sequel" to what I consider the best RPG ever made, Final Fantasy II/IV. Same cool characters (plus their kids), same great gameplay, same awesome soundtrack.

Cons: The story is kinda dumb. I REALLY dislike the "moon phase" mechanic, and wish they'd left that out. I found myself using a LOT of Tents to get back to the phase I preferred.

Worst Con: Squaresoft grifting us poor Wii owners so hard. This game should have been ONE release, ONE download, costing no more than like $15-$20, TOPS. Instead, they made us download "Chapters", having to wait weeks in between to continue the story. AND it all cost $37. For a game that 100% just re-used assets from FFIV on SNES. Talk about a goddamn ripoff.

Final Verdict: I MOSTLY enjoyed playing this, outside of that idiotic moon phase shit. But as stated, the story was pretty dumb, especially at the end, and this SHOULD NOT have been episodic, nor cost nearly $40.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2022
