The best way i can describe this game is "a game that most people like/love that you/I don't" One of the worst games i have played in my opinion but I can understand why there's a fanbase and two sequels and a spin-off for the series

Very early on I found the story very confusing and lore dumping as they give a lot of the foundation to the story very early and all at once, to the point where I was so lost in what was going on that I just decided to skip I'd say about half the cutscenes just to finish the game

I found all the enemies and especially the boss designs interesting and unique which is probably my only positive takeaway

This game was not meant for me to play and I understand that I'm part of a very small minority in saying that

But lackluster graphics, a convoluted drag of a story, and finally a combo system while nice in principal due to the faster load times of a PC rather than a PS3 or 360 you're unable to practice them while loading

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
