All spice and no flavor

I was randomly looking for something to play and came across this and since it is free to play I thought I give it a shot

When I saw the trailer I like most people instantly thought of Local 58 ( an analog horror series centered around a news channel

But unfortunately, I was severely disappointed, a few complaints I have are

No voice acting- I legitimately was falling asleep within the first 10 minutes because there was nothing to hold my attention, I understand it is free to play so you're not recouping anything on it to pay VAs but there is a little voice acting in the videos you collect so I'm not sure why we couldn't have our main characters speak

Not much to do/repetitive gameplay- If you want all the endings/achievements you will be cycling through the same text and choices over and over again with no chapter select or skip text feature

There's also not much to do in terms of actual gameplay, you'll click on some objects and get flavor text and through the course of 3 acts you may have anywhere from 5-15 options in terms of conversations and choices

Not scary- Nothing truly scary happens throughout the game, it may suggest something is going on but you never actually see what happens

There are no jumpscares, no monsters/entities and even the "unsettling" video glitches do nothing after the 3rd time seeing them and that's what stinks.

In my personal opinion there still hasn't been a game that captured the creepiness or uneasy feeling that series like Local 58 or Gemini Home Entertainment presented which could be my basis on why I rated the game so poorly

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
