One of many Dead by Daylight clones, Last Year stands out from the crowd in how polished it is. The game looks great, has a hearty heft to your movements, and the sound design is killer. Despite all that, it just doesn’t click for me. Last Year feels like one of those games that only really has veterans playing it, both because of its obscurity and its unfriendliness towards beginners. Everyone who’s playing it already knows the ins and outs and there is no swarm of new players ever flocking to the game. I didn't play nearly enough to speak extensively or intelligently on the balance, but some cheese tactics people pulled off were a bit questionable for a game that wants to be taken seriously. Still, for a free game you could do much worse. The method of respawning behind doors and having the Fiend able to appear anywhere outside of eyesight are novel ideas, it’s just not enough to overcome my overwhelming apathy for the game. Last Year also has buyable cosmetics if you’re into that. Though again, you really have to be already knee-deep into this niche community to even consider that.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
