The big reason to play Paradise Killer is for the vibes - and that's not a bad thing.

The mystery itself is enjoyable and the collectathon first-person platforming is decent enough (if a weird combo with the VN detective bits) but that's not the reason this game will stick in your mind.

The reason this game stuck with me is the worldbuilding - and uncovering just how fucked up Paradise really is, with its obsession with reviving evil gods and violent rituals, whilst the game itself is submerged in vibrant vaporwave is really the core of what makes Paradise Killer stand out. It's one of the few games I stopped to read the flavour text and take in the environment - there's a whole Pantheon of Gods and lore surrounding them that really help you buy into what could otherwise have been a fairly routine detective-style mystery game.

Because of that unique worldbuilding though, it makes this one an easy recommend.

I'll see you on the Perfect 25.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2023
