Metal Gear (1987)

To specify this is the fossil MSX game released in caveman times, not the Metal Gear Solid game most people would be familiar with. Anyways it's pretty bad, I mostly enjoyed my time with the game, it took a bit over 4 hours to beat. But by the end I just wanted to be done. The game DISAGREED and hit me with some awful design. Multiple points in this game require you to take damage, and it can be difficult consistently getting healing items. The game is cryptic as hell, and would be a way worse experience without a guide. Saves aren't forgiving, and actual combat is a headache.

The stealth component isn't too bad, I like seeing some series staples appear like the cardboard box. It's also nice seeing characters like Solid Snake, Big Boss, and Grey Fox make their first appearance. Sadly they're all pretty bad and barely comparable to their MGS counterparts. Big Boss especially is just a cartoon villain that "dies" only to suddenly be alive and set up sequel bait. I don't think you're really supposed to care about the story with this game, which feels weird considering what the series eventually becomes.

Anyways with the bosses, the names were pretty funny. I get that it's just a Kojima thing, but an enemy named "Shotmaker" is really funny (he makes all his shots). Also the actual fight against Metal Gear is really bad, it doesn't even fight back, instead it's just laser turrets on the wall that shoot at you while you have to place bombs in a 16 pattern order. I'd also like to mention if you don't have enough bombs you have to reload a save.

Okay but for real at the end the facility explodes in the background as Snake runs and the credits roll. That was pretty cool.

Pretty cool/10

Reviewed on May 03, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

this is not the MSX verion this is the NES port; this version was developed without Kojima's involvement and features drastically altered level designs, among other changes you are looking for this one