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I was gifted the "complete" edition of Street Fighter V: Champion Edition while it was on sale for like, 35 bucks. The game itself I don't have much to say on, it's fun, it's gorgeous, it has a lot of depth in it's mechanics, it's Street Fighter. There's not much I can say other than that the core gameplay itself still shows why this series is the king of the fighting game genre.

What I wanted to speak on more is what surrounds the game, because Oh My God. It's almost despicable how much advertising, and marketing, and penny and nickeling this game has bleeding through all it's edges. Half of the main menu is taken up by a giant ad for getting more SFV content and costumes, before every match starts it flashes an ad for a Capcom tourney or more additional content, you get told almost constantly that theres more you can buy. It's ridiculous. If it's trying to feel like a sporting event, it certainly achieves it with the amount of blatant advertising it throws at me wherever I look. There's definitely examples worse than this, but out of all the games I've played (that aren't free-to-play) I've never seen any that pushes you to buy and buy more this constantly.

If rated on the core gameplay itself, I would've given it 4 stars, but the core isn't the entire game. It's like a pretty gem encrusted around mounds and mounds of shit you just can't seem to get off.