Criminally-underrated Gradius game.

Yes, most people complain that a loop takes just 20 minutes and has "only" 5 stages. So? Maybe that isn't for everyone, but that makes it good for a quick session, 30 minutes like many arcade shmups can wear me out sometimes. And most modern bullet hell shooters are 5 stages anyway.

In terms of graphics and level design it feels a lot like a miniature Gradius Gaiden. Lots of unique twists on familiar level formats, with my only real complaint being the indestructible bone debris in stage 4.

Soundtrack sounds like the best of Gradius soundtracks in a similar soundfont to Gradius II and III, all arranged by the legendary Manabu Namiki. I'm glad this game gave some love to the MSX Gradius games, giving some of those games' tracks some solid arrangements. And speaking of, the game being a prequel to the MSX Gradius 2 is icing on the cake -- Gradius lore is also a thing that's underrated.

I'm praying to the gods of video game preservation that K*nami, Nintendo, and M2 can come to a deal to bring the ReBirth games to modern platforms. The fact that these games are left to be unobtainable by legal means if you didn't buy them back in the day should be a federal offense on Nintendo's part lmao.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023


1 month ago

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