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Time Played

2h 42m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 16, 2024


The series jumps to the PS2, and to the 3rd dimension, as Mega Man X7 will have you switch between 2D and 3D gameplay.
And I think that's a good way to start this review, the gameplay.

It's fine. The characters definitely feel slow in 3D, but besides that, it's fine. Playing as newcomer Axl is nice, but when you do unlock X, he just trumps him in sheer power. Zero doesn't feel as smooth to play as he did previously, but he was my go-to character for bosses, as he did more damage than Axl.
Axl was generally more useful when it came to rescuing hostages.

Outside of that, the story is alright. I liked Axl as a character, but the rest felt a bit like a nothing burger, with X being really whiny in this one, and Zero just being there to collect his paycheck and being the audience surrogate.

I couldn't really give a shit about Red, and Sigma being back is the standard at this point.

Mega Man X7 goes back to having an English Dub and... huh... well, it's better than X4's, but the performances are all over the fucking place. Some characters sound good, others sound uninterested, and Sigma makes me laugh my ass off, with his Dr. Claw impression.

The graphics are fine, I do wish the characters emoted more, and some of the stages do look dull, but most of the time, it's fine.

I guess that's my overall opinion with this game, it's fine.
Like, the biggest complain I have is the UI being really slow, but besides that... it's fine.

It's not as bad as X6, I find, but it's also not nearly as good as other X games.

It's fine, that's it.