Mega Man X2 is pretty fun, like its predecessor, but I don't think it was quite as good as X1.
For starters, while the music was pretty good, there were not as many tunes from it that I found memorable. The levels, while good, felt shorter than X1, only really having one or two big set-pieces, and then boss time.

Getting 100% in this game was also not as enjoyable as last time, but the rewards are just as satisying as X1, thankfully.

In spite of this game's shortcomings, I did enjoy the new Mavericks, I enjoyed the boss fights against the X-Hunters, and the final boss was also good, although it's funny seeing Sigma pretty much being a Wolverine simp, lol.

All in all, while not as good as X1, Mega Man X2 was still a good time.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
