PaRappa the Rapper probably has one of the most unique aesthetics I've seen in a PS1 game, having 2D characters in a 3D World, drawn with flat colors, and having a world where creatures such as dogs, cats, plants and other types of living beings inhabit.
It's very quirky in that way, and I found it very charming!

The voice acting is also not bad for the time. It's not great, but just like the graphics themselves, it also has its charm. It feels like the actors had fun doing their characters.

The songs that you'll hear throughout the game are really good, even if one of them is about taking a shit. I think I would listen to some of them on my own, because they were quite a few bangers here.

The big thing about this game though, is its gameplay. The game has 6 levels and they're all done in the style of a sort of "rap battle", if you will.
You hear what the characters are rapping and then you follow their buttons in time with the rhythm.
And I'll pause right there. "In Time with the Rhythm" is, I think, what the devs wanted you to do, but the timings are kinda wack.
Sometimes I do decently, but other times, I do pretty bad, and later on in the game, it gets pretty rough. It becomes very strict on the timings, and even then, I'm unsure exactly what the timing is.
Is it the button press on screen? Is it timing PaRappa's rap just right so that it follows the other character's rap?
It's hard to decipher, and for a rhythm game like this, it shouldn't be.

But in spite of the weird button timings, I did enjoy my time with PaRappa the Rapper. It's short, but mostly sweet game, and I hope the sequels are better.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
