Yeah, I think it's pretty much clear at this point that I'm not a fan of the Gradius series.

I do like that you're able to choose what power-up bar you want at the start of the game, allowing for more replayability. That's pretty nice! I went with the 4th power-up bar myself, alongisde the first shield option.

But even in spite of that, and the game being generally less difficult overall, I couldn't have much fun with Gradius II. The game is more of the same seen in Gradius I, and I already wasn't the biggest fan of that game.

And to really rub salt on the wound, just like Life Force, I got fucked on the last stage because I save-stated at the wrong time, and lost a life.
Now, when you lose a life in these games, you lose all of your power-ups and go back to the nearest check-point. When that happened, the game just spawned a bunch of projectiles at me making it impossible for me to dodge them or destroy them.

Needless to say, I did not have much fun with Gradius II, and I don't see myself playing any other Gradius game anytime soon.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
