Right from the jump it's clear that this is just a kinda bland dark souls ripoff. Exploring levels did initially grant me the same satisfaction that DS games do, but the rewards would more often than not just be consumable items, or upgrades in which consumable items are needed to make useful. Combat would have been a lot more fun if it was more responsive. Levels were just shitty, and having the majority of the game take place in a city really does a disservice to the aesthetic, which I do have a soft spot for. I've always been a fan of the meathead fantasy design styles of game like Warcraft and it is unfortunately less present here. Fury ended up being a more enjoyable protagonist than previous games, only due to her relationship with her companion. When I got into a rhythm I was digging it, but as soon as that rhythm was thrown off I was snapped back into the reality that I was playing a mediocre game.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2021
