This game is just 3 long side quests back to back. There is hardly a narrative through line. I wasn’t so down on this game at first, but after every major junction, when I became aware of the structure of this game, I felt my soul leave my body. No choice I made mattered. There was no deviation from the intended path, no matter how much the game insisted there was. The characters are all good, except when they interact with whatever the plot is at the time, where they become unreasonable dipshits because that’s what the story needs at that time. Otherwise the character writing is quite good. That seemed to be Biowares most consistent strength when they actually made video games. There just isn’t enough of it. A major character in your party just leaves a third through the game for no real reason. They are barely brought up at all throughout, and then suddenly at the last chapter they rejoin as if they never left. They do this because every decision you make will have them leave in some way, but the way it was implemented with my choice was just bizarre to witness. I really don’t have much to say regarding combat. It’s Dragon Age combat. It’s bad. I honestly recommend playing this game on easy to circumvent it as much as possible. But the most egregious part of this game is the levels design, or lack thereof. The whole game takes place in one city and a few areas outside. Every cave you go into is the same reused cave design, starting you at different points and blocking off areas as the game dictates. Every mansion is the same as every rundown house. You are constantly going through the same locales for the whole 30 some odd hours, and it just tanks your immersion. Against all odds, I do still enjoy most Bioware games, but the cracks really start to show when you expose yourself to too much of it. Great dating sim though awooga.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2021
