Very unique in many aspects. I'm always fascinated when menial jobs are game-ified. The stress of working as a border inspector is part of the puzzle itself. Just when you think you are getting the rhythm of the job down, new mechanics are introduced and it feels like your own personal workflow is annihilated. You know... Like a real job.

This game is a tight 4 hours, and yet has a highly engaging narrative. I won't go into specifics since the draw of this game is a moment that should be experienced blind. The perpetual threat of not being able to provide for your family is enough of an incentive for whatever task needs to be done.

The purposefully grisly art style enhances the dreariness of this universe. Everything and everyone is colourless, providing an oppressive atmosphere that is not undermined by a fair bit of welcome humour.

I haven't played anything that left me with such a specific sense of anxiety mixed with a yearning for more. Maybe this is what people who love their jobs feel like.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2021
