Multiplayer: Compared to Infinity Ward's predecessor which atleast had good movement and gunplay. Infinity Ward decided to take a step backward with releasing a game with even worse maps (Santa Seña being the perfect example) and worse movement. The gunfighting is also something that has been worsened by the lowering of TTK which makes Infinity Ward's philosophy of catering to the casuals even more catastrophic for the aspect of competitiveness.

Ranked Play: There is atleast a shed of light in the darkness surrounding this game with Treyarch's development of Ranked. Treyarch's mission of developing a Ranked play system in every CoD title is the only thing that makes Infinity Ward's titles somewhat enjoyable. They introduced Demotion protection and a improved SR system. Doing their best to make a non-competitive game more competitive. However the lack of good maps, movement which could use some improvement in speed and low TTK makes Treyarch's mission hard.

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
