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The Force Unleashed is one of the most important pieces of media in Star Wars history. Though flawed, it paved the path so games like Jedi Survivor could run. It truly showed what a Star Wars based power fantasy could and should look like. It's combat system taking heavy inspiration from God of War, does limit to be compared to that more then not. However, I think the force powers we are able to use separate enough to prevent it from being just a straight clone of that formula. It's story is phenomenal. Seeing the darkness that Starkiller was raised and molded by be broken and overcome while being tasked to destroy the very people who truly care about him, is extremely engaging. His change is genuine and the relationship he share with Juno feels genuine and heart warming. Unfortunatly, the game also does suffer from a few issues. One example that I wan't fully aware of till very recently, is the considerable amount of versions this game has. The entire time that I was playing through this game, I could not shake the feeling that something was off about the way that the game felt. Things just felt different and not quite the same as the game that I had played as a child. However, I now know that this feeling stemmed from having played in on PS2 when I was younger, to now playing it on Steam and experiencing all the differences. I just wish that there was more unified experience among the people who played this game. I also saw issue in some of the blatant padding in the second half of the levels. Many of them are just returns to previously visited planets. I understand the need for something such as this when it comes to the difficulties of game design, but it just took me out of the experience so much that it's hard to not mention it. Overall, this game is a must play if you are a Star Wars fan. 4 / 5.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
