Better than the first game, but that's not really a difficult feat to pull off. Dark Revival looked promising at first I'll admit and then I played it only to find out that the developers still have no idea how to make an enjoyable horror game that's actually scary.
The horror in this game still relies on jumpscares that are cheaper than ever. There's nothing much to say past that regarding the horror because the game isn't scary at all.
It should be studied in schools why games (mostly horror games) love to focus on melee combat only to lack the ability to block. Once again in this game melee combat is dumbed down to hitting the enemy faster than it can hit you back and it hasn't improved at all since the last game. Condemned: Criminal Origins came out in 2005 and people still don't know how to make melee-oriented horror games not play like shit.

The stealth in this game is a joke. As long as your crouched and not directly in front of an enemy, congrats! You just activated your active camouflage! That doesn't mean the AI is stupid when it comes to stealth, sometimes I've been spotted through walls and the mere act of standing up from crouching alerts nearby enemies somehow.

Then we got the titular enemy, Bendy. I never thought I'd say something of praise to the first game but it handled Bendy better in there. When Bendy spawns in, you have a limited amount of time to find a hiding spot. Don't have a hiding spot nearby? Boom, you die instantly to him out of nowhere. At least in the first game Bendy has to make his way to you instead of just appearing out your ass for an instant kill.

Then we got tons of stupid exclusions settings-wise. We have the classic no FOV slider that so many PC games are afraid to add in but Bendy and the Dark Revival isn't like other PC games because for a 2022 release, it comes with a complete lack of keybindings! Don't like pressing C to crouch? Too bad you can't rebind it.

I can't believe at one point this had overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam. This game is mediocre at best and it's crazy that this series has released three games and not one of them is any good.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2023
