I really like the core concept of the game that at it's base is a good mix of luck and the strategy of using what is given to you with your rolls. Each character also has a different kind of gimmick that makes their play style different while not straying too far from the base formula.

There are six different episodes for each character to go tough, and I was going though and doing each episode one for each character, then two and so on. It was pretty fun adapting to different rule sets that given to you. But everything fell apart for me during the "elimination round" chapter. They where pretty challenging for all the characters but I mange to squeeze though after a few attempts. That was until I got to the witch. Her play style revolves heavily on setting up on good combos and I was getting my ass kicked before I can get them together on the last few tough foes. I've must have did 30+ runs with her trying many different kinds of play styles and strategies and still failing. Eventually I just gave up and jump to the other character I did not beat the elimination round on yet and finished after like four tires. I looked back at the witch and felt like all of the fun was sucked out of the game now and it was just a slog. I tried the next chapter with a few characters but I was just mentally checked out of the game by then and just decided to stop playing.

I would like to come back and finish it, but at the same time the rest of the game docent seem that fun to me anymore.

The sound track was very good though, a lot of bangers.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
