The fact that they were able to follow up Metal Gear Solid 2 with another perfect game, in such a small amount of time, is still an insane achievement.

One of the most satisfying, emotional, exciting, funny and important games ever made. I wouldn't be the same person if this didn't exist, so much of this and the franchise overall helped define my taste, not only in games, but narratives in general. What I especially love here, and something that I really look out for in games, films etc. is the great balance of tones. It's comedic, outlandish and charming without sacrificing the weight and sentiment of the story being told, which is no small feat.

I could go on for hours if I wanted to, and maybe one day I'll find the words, but for now I'll stop here.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

We did it, Joe.