Hypnospace Outlaw is one of those games where you can feel every ounce of love and passion being put into it. What an unbelievable game this is, like seriously. I am not a 90s child, but for whatever reason playing this game made me feel so incredibly nostalgic for times long gone. This reality of "sleepytime computing" feels insanely futuristic, and yet still maintains its nostalgic and rootsy sensibilities. The aesthetic here is easily among the best I've ever seen in a game, period. It's mindboggling the amount of detail put into crafting a true alternate portal into another time, all while having some of the best and most immersive writing/worldbuilding out there. Every webpage has something interesting or fascinating to look at/learn from. The characters especially all have so much personality that I truly felt connected with them, it's genius.

However, at times it can be slightly too cryptic (considering much of the game relies on callbacks, clues, and hidden messages) leading to me getting lost or confused at times. But tbh, the guides on Steam are well made, so don't be afraid to check those if you need further guidance.

I truly mean it when I say that everything about this game means a ton to me. Creativity holds no boundaries in any medium, so it's nice to experience something so creative, and so unique to the genre of games as a whole.

Edit: I went through and archived every single page across the game's three different periods, and I couldn't recommend it more. There's SO much content here, some of which is extremely hidden....and extremely weird, so go check it out for yourself! It is a bit of a task though, and tbh it cant be done without a guide, so check the 100% archival guide on Steam, It is a godsend. ALSO (this is even crazier) the Hypnospace team was kind enough to include a full-on page editor/builder, so you can become a direct part of Hypnospace with all the quirks that make you, you. Coolest. Shit. Ever.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
