This game is honestly really really special, and you can feel the love pouring out of every single inch of it. the extensiveness of the content here is amazing honestly, with a huge variety of different secrets, routes, and achievements to complete that can keep you playing for over 50 hours easily. That and its incredibly disturbing and layered themes of trauma and depression are incredibly sad and horrific, making for a pretty incredible main story. I do have some minor issues though, mostly with story progression and area designs. the areas themselves are beautifully crafted with so many secrets and characters to find, but running through them can sometimes be really frustrating. why make jagged diagonal pathways throughout an entire area when you can only run in 4 directions lol. that and recognizing that all your leveling and progression in headspace suddenly means nothing once the game transitions into the real world by "one day left" left me a bit puzzled. another big one is the lack of ng+, which IMO would make a lot of sense. starting from scratch to complete the other routes is gonna be pretty annoying :/ either way, these aren't huge complaints, and I respect this game so much for covering sensitive topics in a way that feels important and interesting.

Reviewed on May 19, 2023
