1 Review liked by RoboGatsby

I regret that so much has already been said about Disco Elysium – I find myself lacking the words to offer any new ideas or perspectives on it. You already know how special this game is, and after putting it off for years, finally so do I.

Deeply moving, thought-provoking, brilliantly crafted and written, devastatingly bleak, yet hopeful, and at times one of the funniest games I’ve ever played. It is an incredibly touching and personal experience of which you can feel every single second of the blood, sweat, and tears poured into it by the team at ZA/UM.

A beautiful and intricate story of what makes us human – how far we can fall down to our absolute lowest point and the glimmer of hope shining over our path to redemption. How the smallest act of kindness can forever alter someone’s life. How we have to decide to become better people, even if those closest to us can never forgive us or in the face of the end of the world.

Or maybe it’s just about how fucking cool you look in your bad ass policeman’s jacket.

A very, very special game.

“I don’t want to be this kind of animal anymore.”