Pokémon Soul Silver (or Heart Gold) is the peak of Pokemon games. Over a decade old now, Soul Silver has what your looking for in a Pokemon game: strong 2D graphics, a wide selection of Pokemon and moves, two regions to explore, a post-game, and your Pokemon follows you outside of the pokeball. For a game that came out in 2010, it is still considered better than anything before or after. The best Pokemon game there is.

If Soul Silver had a downside, it would be that it is a little too true of a remake. The level curve is bad, and a lot of the “new” Pokemon are still locked until you beat the game, just like in the original Silver version. Still, these are really the only two drawbacks.

Soul Silver is one of few Pokemon games worth playing in the modern age. It isn’t overrun with pointless cutscenes. Your enemies seem to at least want to beat you in battle. And you got a cool pedometer-tamagotchi thing when you bought it new. Very rad.

It’s the best Pokemon game, and one of the better handheld games ever. A top choice for anyone wanting to play the games for the first time.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
