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1 day

Last played

February 1, 2022

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An uninspired and boring trudge which blatantly rips off The Legend of Zelda, a 5-year-old game at the time, yet somehow manages to be less engaging and more redundant. I do have some bias toward Zelda, but I think it had a pretty solid world map that was fun to navigate due to how well they were able to differentiate it's parts. Golden Axe Warrior does not achieve this at all. Every screen feels poorly thought out or lazily slapped together. The dungeons have about the same amount of complexity as the original Zelda, but this game was made in the same year as A Link to the Past, so the bar has completely shifted at this point. You do get to use multiple weapons like in Final Fantasy Adventure, which is neat, but this game doesn't have the stat growth or unique combat mechanics in that game, and that game was already pretty boring regardless. I'm not sure why this had Golden Axe branding either, since it's just an intentional aesthetic similarity. Maybe it was to sell more copies since it was released on a dead/dying console? Probably, actually. Regardless, this is a fairly inoffensive though completely forgettable experience. 2/6