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While Sony may have issues with their first patty titles blending in from time to time, I think Ghost of Tsushima does a good job in trying to stand out. It really is no different from say an Assassin's Creed title but it doesn't feel as bloated. I really enjoyed the stealth of this game; you really are more of a ninja than a samurai in this title. A lot of people complain about the lack of lock-on during combat but I don't think it's that big a deal. It can be overwhelming though. You do get a lot of tools to use during combat and stealth and you definitely should take advantage of it when you can as it can turn the tides. Big fan of the hallucination darts.

The presentation of this game is nearly unparalleled. Probably the most beautiful game I ever played especially at 4K. I spent a lot of time just taking screenshots. I did get bored doing that after a while though and the final region of the island is probably my least favorite visually, but I think the art style carries the game enough to not be a big deal. I need to save these captures.

The story is a pretty straightforward "Old Way vs. New Way" story. It gets the job done and I did end up loving Jin's journey and the characters you meet throughout as their personal quests were engaging in their own right. The Khan isn't seen much but still manages to be an effective villain you want to slice through.

Overall this is definitely a blockbuster Sony title I recommend.