I liked this game more than I thought.
My story with hoyoverse is quite long (I was just a very frequent Genshin player to say the least, since it has been released), however I admit I'm not that, that much into Genshin as much as I became into Honkai.

I read some reviews of people saying that it doesn't have the appeal Genshin has due to it being turn based and such, but it's about my personal taste as someone who the favorite genre is turn-based RPG. It's just perfect for people like me. It has the stuff I liked about Genshin (like the pity rate making it less painful to be f2p, and the other mechanics I was used to), plus they added more useful things for the gameplay.

About the story, I find myself considerably enthralled to it when it came to Dan Heng's history in Luong. The first part got me a bit bored though, but Luong and its characters got me hooked.

I particularly am liking it quite a lot and the tendency is to get better, so I have expectations for the future improvements,

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
