Palm City is interesting to look at both in the day and night, but isn't really that interesting to race. Like a lot of open world racing games, the races become stale after a while as you're going to be driving over familiar routes with little to no surprises or setpieces added for the sake of the race.

The police chase mechanic starts out interesting enough, but the lack of offensive abilities at higher heat levels means you have to look up areas and guides to exploit the AI by taking jumps, diving in the water, or just getting lucky otherwise your supercar will be caught up to by an SUV and Crown Vic easily, and sent into a barrel roll on the slightest tap of your car. There's no pursuit breakers, hiding spots, and they're too resilient to be rammed outright at higher heat levels, and cannot usually be tricked by weaving through traffic or taking sharp corners.

I ended up not finishing due to these two factors, despite liking the customization features and the overall feel of the game despite it being a little simple with its drift mechanics. There's just not enough interesting content here, and what's here is a mixed bag.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024
