Amazing deck building roguelite with some RPG decision making in the mix, it takes a lot of concepts and ideas from Slay The Spire but makes them better.
You can either fight your way through or talk your way through, each character has it's own way of playing for both talking and fighting and both ways have a lot of different builds to try with the decks.
Each character has it's own story that arch over a few day, you follow some scripted events and between them you mostly choose your own adventure, choose what quests to take and how to tackle them, choose which NPCs
to befriend and which to antagonize, all of your choices affect how you are gonna play that run.
Lastly it will take you a while to complete everything the game offers in terms of unlockables such as cards or perks.
Really interesting game that's worth keeping an eye on and a must play if you like roguelikes, deck builders or, even better, both.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2021
