Honestly, there are some issues with this collection. I'm a huge Sonic fan, but its rendition of Sonic 3 & Knuckles is bad. The physics are different enough to notice a difference and there is a glitch with big rings once you get Hyper Sonic that makes the game think you only have one regular emerald and sends you to a special stage for some reason, instead of giving you 50 rings as expected. This game was not QA'd well enough for release, and Stealth even said they wanted more time for this game. The new music is also hit and miss. Sonic 3's music is very quiet for some reason too. This definitely needed more time in the oven, as glitches are rampant in this game.

Sonic 1, 2, and CD by and far are great, and there's nothing wrong with them, since they're the Taxman/Stealth/Whitehead ports. The games play well and as expected with no surprises. 3 is the only outlier, and this collection would be great if that had the same quality as the others.

The museum and challenges are a nice addition, but it would have been nice to see the SMS/GG games get some representation there. There are also no unlockables aside from the museum stuff. You can unlock everything VERY easily, so that's a plus to me, and you don't even have to unlock the songs to listen to them (premium versions).

The fact that the original standalone versions of each game have been delisted is honestly kind of crappy. Especially while keeping some on Switch, such as the Ages versions of Sonic 1 and 2.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2022
