Really what can I say about this game that hasn't already been said before? Even after finishing it for the first time I can tell what all the praise was about.

As someone who is not very fond of Square JRPGs I was surprised at how this one kept me wanting to go for more, to explore further, to see every character interaction and every new beautiful location.

I think that this is due to two things, firstly and the easiest to explain, the combat. The simple mechanic of double and triple attacks plus how certain moves can chain enemies in a row is a minor detail compared to more complicated games, but the key here is that these are just so much fun. Every time you unlock a new spell you want to try it no matter what, and the crazy animations that they show you are so creative and flashy, it's so action packed!

The second part is of course, well, the world, characters, and story as a whole. I won't go into details just to not spoil (if anyone reading this has not played this old ass game yet by some chance trust me, go in blind), but the more you go the more the world opens up and the more the characters resonate with you and the more the story connects everything together in a way that just feels right.

As a whole this is just the most accomplished JRPG of it's time, and I'm already planning on picking it up again in a New Game+ sometime in the near future.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2023
