Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 5, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This is one unique and weird game. It's also the reason it kept me so engaged. It's a mix of action adventure with light puzzling, a huge focus on exploration and lots of optional collectibles. It's still a linear game for the most part, but the exploration is there if you're trying to find all the collectibles, do the optional mini side quests and rescue characters. There are also driving sections or other minor gameplay experiences to change the pace. It's a bit of everything and it's the reason why I love it. However, the controls needed some getting used to and I would have liked the ability to teleport to previous areas with a check list showing what I'm missing. It would have suited the game a lot. I like that you can save anywhere and there are many load options even if you didn't save. Worth experiencing if you're looking for that unique game that might not be cohesive/perfect but it will leave a lasting impression.