Sooo I’m not sure what happened but I think I lost my save due to a bug. I’ve completed 3 levels, continued the next day and there was no option to continue or select a stage. I could only select new game even though the file icon showed my progress and the last level I played. I was hoping to select the stage I was in after selecting new game but that wiped out my entire progress. The game is not good enough to start from scratch again, especially if there’s a possibility I could lose my save at any point. Here are my impressions based on the 3 levels I completed.

It seemed okay but nothing mind blowing. I’m not familiar with the cartoon or the previous games. The story starts with a plot I’m not familiar with. The game is a hack and slasher similar to Ninja Gaiden but not as good. Still though, I was surprised by the responsive controls. I’m not a fan of the camera because it’s active on top of being able to control it manually. You can’t turn that off. The game does throw a lot of skills, moves and weapons at you early on. It feels lacking in balance and doesn’t have a good build up compared to other games. The stages are mostly simple and there are no real puzzles. There has been a good variety of enemies and different ways to beat them. There is also an upgrade system, a shop and being able to make your weapons stronger with the gold you find.

Samurai Jack looked like a decent time that is aimed at the fans. It doesn’t excel at anything in particular but there aren’t many games like it on Apple Arcade. It’s worth giving a try if you can do so on the cheap. The bug with the save is a serious issue though and I don’t know if you should give the game a try if you will encounter it like I did.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023


6 months ago

Sounds like a skill issue tbh

6 months ago

In regards to what exactly? If you mean my comment about too many weapons/skills/etc, then I need to make clear that I have had no difficulties with the game. I just don’t like it when mechanics are introduced hastily and you don’t get the time to try them out properly. I know you can ignore whatever you get and focus on what you want before moving on but I’m not a fan of that approach. Maybe this approach works for multiple playthroughs but it’s not the best impression if you’re planning on completing the game once only.

6 months ago

@rpgn just being delightfully, devious. Don't take it personally, love you.

6 months ago

Awww, love you too :3