Mosaic definitely has some impressive elements. The style is perfectly realised, the camera direction is on point and it’s good at delivering its message. But that’s the thing though, it’s all about making a statement that, while true, has been done many times and the gameplay is not its strong point. This is also by design to make you feel the monotony and the time you’re wasting by doing pointless things. This is also clear with the achievements. The achievements have nothing to do with the actual game. They’re gotten through an in-game app where you have to keep clicking. Apparently you have to do this for 9 hours to get the achievements (I didn’t do it). It’s not difficult, it’s just wasting time which is the point of the game. It’s making fun of achievements and how we put so much importance on things that don’t matter.

The game is about feeding capitalism and how it’s destroying the beauty of life. To make this point, you go to work for about 5 days straight and you’re repeating certain actions like waking up, brushing teeth, check the mail etc. It’s like experiencing this similar routine 5 times and it feels repetitive for it. Of course part of it is changed or there are sections that are completely new but it makes it hard to finish the game in one sitting even though it’s around 2 hours long. I had to play one in-game day each day to keep my interest.

By now it should be clear whether the game is for you or not. Don’t get it for the gameplay, get it for the art and what it’s trying to tell. I’m glad I got to play it even if it’s just for curiosity’s sake. It’s easy to say this when it’s part of Apple Arcade. I’m not sure if I would have bought it for its gameplay, maybe only when it’s dirt cheap.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2023
