This game is just...not good. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting especially as a One Piece fan but I was incredibly disappointed.

To break the game into two halves, the OP stuff and the JRPG stuff it goes like this.

As a JRPG it woefully fails, the combat is just not engaging, I basically met nothing that could survive more than 2 turns at the very max, even bosses. It's not so much that the game is incredibly easy (which it is) but the fact it's dull. You spend most of your time slowly walking through empty fields and avoiding enemies because it's not worth the time investment and not fun enough to be worth doing. There IS arguably variety in character building but I just equipped accessories with attack on them only for the entire game and never even came close to a game over.

On the One Piece side of things we have frankly some embarrassing retellings. the supposed "what-if" scenarios mostly amount to "What if Alabasta but all the fun fights and memorable characters were gone.", "What if Water 7 but nothing mattered and most of CP9 were missing." So on and so forth. They have virtually nothing to offer to an existing fan but they aren't comprehensive or interesting enough for a non-fan to even get through. For some reason it seems like all their effort went into Dressrosa and Marineford exclusively because that's where most of the relevant characters and antagonists do all make appearances with some notable exceptions. On the other hand the original story is actually quite decent, Adio is okay and I really liked Lim. Lim is a charming addition and seeing her warm up to the Straw Hats and gradually get more interested in the plot as if she's becoming a One Piece fan herself was good. The original story is about on par with the original stories of most OP films, and I guess that's good enough.

Overall, it's just a bad game, for JRPG fans and One Piece fans.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Also anyone who tells you the difficulty picks up after Chapter 2 is just straight up lying. It picks up in the same way a childrens rollercoaster picks up. I was never close to game-over in Chapter 2 or 3, and especially not after that.