First damn game I play on touchHLE, and the first Crash racing game I've played lmao

But yeah tbh, this one was honestly pretty impressive for one of the first ever iPhone games in general. The visuals are honestly pretty impresive for the time. Both in terms of everything being in 3D and the visuals themselves of the themes of the tracks.

The controls, of which I feared they woudn't be too responsive considering they were just tilt controls, worked DAMN better than I was expecting. Still not perfect but VERY much enjoyable and solid for what it is.

And also, this shockingly has a LOT of similarities to Nitro Kart 2 Java of which I saw Caddicarus talking about it. And, damn yeah they do have a lot in common, but also NOT at the same time.

Because yeah, for them being 1 year apart this is some DAMN solid evolution from one to another.

So yeah, overal, I'm glad I was able to give it a shot, and I'm thankfull that iOS emulation is FINALLY going somewhere after all these years. Hopefully they make an iOS build of touchHLE soon and hopefully just in general touchHLE manages to go places. Fingers crossed for the development team to get bigger as they go along.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023

1 Comment

28 days ago

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28 days ago

you can emulate the zeebo version now so i stopped by this page and all i can say is i really admire the passion for this game lol