You know, for a game picked up randomly from a show I've never seen or heard off, this was a surpricintly good time to be honest.

Like, it's not something mindblowing, but it's a fun little platformer with quite a bit of charm that even with me not seeing the series, I can apreciate the effort put in on the music, vibes of the areas, how it had a story throughout that while minimal, felt natural in progession even in areas, the art style of the face pannels and the pixels of Heidi, where I thought it would be ending but more came along, and all in all just signs that they did care about making this a good experience despite the likely limitations they had at making a licensed game.

The controls themselves were also pretry solid. The running animation reminds me a bit of Sonic so that's pretty cool, and the flow of progressiom of getting the flowers and controlling the animals around you with your whistle is simple, but satisfying. It pairs nicely with the level design being a bit open in general so there's obiously some layered secrets and they all feel satisfying to get. But also in general keeping the speed of running going and not letting it stop is 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 very satisfying as it creates a nice chain of movement that is fun to keep going, and probably my favorite part about the controls. And they feel overall pretty satisfying with how easy for kids yet solid all around for everyone they feel.

Now, double tapping to go to run can be a bit annoying at times and the walking speed I feel was a 𝘣𝘪𝘵 too slow, but overall the controls were pretty solid and the annoyances were never deal breakers for me.

The music was also quite pleasing. The tracks all feel very "small but fun adventure" esche which fits the adventure of Heidi, and on top of that they fit the environments pretty well. Despite the low amount of music which 𝘥𝘪𝘥 cause some of them to repeat a bit which admitedly got a bit tyring, but regardless, they all stand out pretty well from one another which definetly made the music a solid highlight for me.

And as for the environments themselves, this is probably this game's biggest weakness in that paired with the music, there's a very limited selection of themes for the levels themselves which causes some levels to blend in with each other. But overall the level design I'd say makes up for it and by the latter part of the game it introduces some very neat themes like a city which feels pretty distinct from the rest of the mountain esche environments, plus one that was only for one level at night time which was surpricingly eerie. Not like a LOT but compared to the rest of the game, it definetly stands out in a pretty neat way.

Not to mention the bonus stages which have a very angelical vibe to them due to them being in the sky. Running around in them was also pretty fun.

But yeah overall this is a pretty neat game that while at first a bit repetitive, definetly got better as it went along with some surprices into the mix. And I'm glad I gave it a random shot. As it kept me occupied this week where, not a lot really did. And I have to thank this game for that.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
