extremely underrated masterpiece. 2021's goty for me. voted for this game in almost every single category on steam's goty award.

the graphics and visuals are un-fucking-believable, if i open up the game now, ill be flabbergasted, even if i've already played 40 hours of it.
The OST, too, is fucking PERFECT, you have perfectly writed songs for EVERY situation in the game.
I CAN NOT express enough, how good the artistic side of this game is.

the gameplay is simple, but it works wonders and it's simply fun, without unnecessary video-game-complexity. reminded me of old zelda games.

The story is really good, it isn't any MGS tho, it's like an old japanese anime or movie. It's kinda dark, silly, and keeps you entertained through the whole game. A good father-"daughter" relationship, as well as a dark mystery.

I should say tho, it isn't perfect, obivously. Sometimes, the pacing of the game gets completely fucked up because of some situation in the story that should be a side-quest or something. You are right at one of the climaxes of the story, and suddenly, you have to cook to some mafia mob??? what the fuck??? i know that they put that in the game so you could appreciate the little moments, but still... it should be a sidequest.

writing this while listening to the game's ost made me remember how good this shit was. from the bottom of my heart, a masterpiece.

literally everyone should at least give it a try, SPECIALLY folks who likes indie/old games and japanese things.

Reviewed on May 08, 2022
