Is 3rd Time The Charm?

Warning:Am going to be reviewing this game as Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 is the longest entry to the series yet sporting 13 (14 if all emeralds are collected) different zones to traverse and explore.In this game the playable characters (Sonic,Tails,Knuckles) all have there own pro's and cons.This game also for the first time has a utilizable save system

+The Fastest
+Able To Utilize Elemental Shield And Hyper Form
-No real special ability without a shield

+Easiest Of The Bunch
+Can Fly
+Can Swim
-Slowest of the 3
-Can't use the elemental shields

+Can Glide
+Can Climb Walls
-Most of the same issues as tails

Level Design: For the most part this game's level design continues the trend of able to go fast but easily punished the 2nd game had.Sadly unlike that game there is a speed cap and you cant go off screen and there is more percision based platforming overall better than the 1st worse than the 2nd.

Bosses: This game by far has the best bosses of the classic 3 and even has mini-bosses at the end of act 1 for each zone overall very good.

Overall: A game that is better and worse than it's predecessor with a lower focus on speed I find myself slightly giving the edge to 2,but make no mistake sonic 3 is still an amazing game and a great time.

Rumor has it that michael jackson wrote the music for 3 and there not baseless claims.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2022
