It's better than 4. I genuinely cannot understanding playing the older games and considering this to be the best in the series. The game is sloppy all the way through. Yeah it's a super fast paced mech game, not too many of those, but it really isn't enough to carry it. The missions and scenarios are much more visionary and filled with all sorts of cool spectacles. But... the missions are not that great to actually play, and the game is bizarrely frontloaded with almost everything interesting happening in the first half. The Spirit of Motherwill was pretty fun, and I think that AF made for the best mission by far, all the others are OK. There's the mission to defeat the signature Next of 4th generation, White Glint, which I already defeated in the arena but now I have some guy helping me with some terrible anime scripting. There's a mission you fight some sniper MTs and I guess it was my fault not having a radar but I spent like 10 pointless minutes looking for these things that don't even fight back. Being easy is one thing, but boring is another. I will say this game is significantly harder than 4, that game is straight up the easiest game in the series I don't know why people say For Answer is easier. The title screen with White Glint is incredible I must say.

On the bright side it looks like AC6 will basically completely replace this game.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023
