When 'what games would you like to see remade' topics come up, this is always the game that comes to mind first. I don't think we need to see remakes of games that are already perfect or close, I'd rather see remakes of games like this - that have some great ideas and good things going for it but are held back by fixable things.

I really liked the cast, and the story was quite good, aided by worldbuilding and background lore that always got me more invested. The setting was interesting and atmospheric.

The battle system was a pretty big mess, and the difficulty was extremely inconsistent. This game has a breakable weapon system which I always find to be obnoxious and tedious to deal with.

It's a pipe dream but I really hope to see a remake someday, because the potential for an amazing game is clear.

Anybody that intends to play the Shadow Hearts series would do well to give this a look first if possible.

Reviewed on May 13, 2021
