Wow this one has staggering high highs but very low lows.
The main plot starts out well enough but really meanders as soon as you unlock the central hub area and the cutscenes fluctuate from pretty good laughably unpolished.
Furthermore, the gunplay and stealth are never given the right area to thrive in as the game implores you to stay out of sight and pick them off one by one but the arenas are so small and the AI so lacking that you end up getting seen and partaking is the stiff feeling gunplay.

However, this game also has the greatest highs of the reboot trilogy namely in the challenge tombs. Every one I found was an absolute treat, and there was a lot of 'em. From climbing derelict ships to raising/lowering the water level whilst avoiding deadly piranhas. It's honestly shocking how much good content an average player who doesn't do much exploring will miss.
While 2013 and Rise took me two sittings to finish the story and challenge tombs, this one took me from around 5 days to a week. This gets longer when you factor in the fantastic dlc tombs which have been made free, at least on PS4.

It's far from perfect but the good sh&t is so much fun that I hope the team continues to build and improve till they make something so good that people can no longer write these games off as Uncharted clones.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2023
