Gonna be real here for a sec I didn't actually finish this game or even putting in more then 2 hours. all I kept hearing over the last 3 weeks is that this is without a doubt one of the worst games of the year and possibly one of the worst games of all time. And then I get back from my vacation to actually stream it with friends and it's............it's just shovelware trash. Don't get me wrong this is a bad game a very VERY bad game, but it's just the same old licensed video game trash that flooded the market during the 6th and 7th gen.
I just don't know what else to say about something that's hasn't already been said a bunch of times over about other games of it's nature. Oh wow it's a broken mess of a game that probably had the budget of a food court salad and probably had no time put into it's development, yeah wow cool that's such an interesting observation; fucking get in line. Do you know how many times GameMill has done this shit??? They make most of their money of crap like this idk what else you want me to say they've always been like this, this well is dried up and I have nothing insightful or interesting to say about this game.
Is the business model that GameMill practice a horrible and scummy system; yes.......................................................................................

I don't wanna put any more brain power towards thinking about this waste of time; I'm gonna go play that new Robocop game. At least that game looks like it had time and effort put into it, even if it does looks like one of those fake video games you see in a movie or tv show.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2023


6 months ago

I think it's a bit of a good sign that what otherwise would have been just another bad licensed game two console generations ago is now considered one of the worst games of the year and and seen as an oddity. Not to say that bad or shitty games aren't being released consistently anymore (As you pointed our, GameMill is still a thing), but still, I think it says a lot of how the market has changed, and how what we consider as poor quality has shifted to the terrible practices of some sectors of the Triple A industry. Great review!

6 months ago

Honestly I never thought of it that way but I guess you are sorta right in a cosmic sort of way.