As a stupid fan of the original 3 seasons of the show, I went in with some stupid high expectations, and on this very rare occasion it meet every single hope I'd had.

Storywise it's the same as the show just with a little less focuses on the story and more on the gameplay, which is fine since we still have the show.
Now the gameplay that's the reallllll shit.

In order to get out of the hotel you'll need to collect souls from each one of the guests. You'll do this by keeping track of their daily routine by creeping and stalking them until you'll eventually be able to find a point in the day to take it from them. While stalking them you'll learn more about said guest and in turn more about Gregory House and its fucked up owners.

I think the day has finally come where I can say I played a video game based on an Anime and it didn't suck shit. Man that feels really good to say.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2021
