I'm someone walking into this game being a semi-fan of the french comic it's based on, and to my shock not only does it retain the charm of the comic but also its overall feel and tone.
Yeah it doesn't have the same style as Juanjo Guarnido's amazing art, and all the models look very rigid and lack a lot of expression, the backgrounds are very empty and overall the game looks very cheap. But knowing this was a very small Spanish studio working with a publisher that is well known for giving very short deadlines and very low budgets; I'll honestly give them a pass. However there were a few too many visual bugs for me to look over, and the fact that this game has been out for more than 3 years is a little disappointing seeing how much the devs seem to care about the IP.

That being said with all the problems I have I still really enjoyed the game. It has a surprisingly good blend of the classic point-and-click era puzzles and a dash of the telltale QTEs to help break up the gameplay from feeling tiresome. It's honestly what I would've liked from later Telltale games if they didn't get high off their own farts.
The OST and general level design do a fantastic job grounding the player into its 1950's era setting. Everything from the smokey skies of downtown NYC, to the seedy underbelly of illegal gambling. All of it wrapped together with some really great era-accurate jazz, everything from big band to hard bop to cool; all of it feels well implemented to the scene and well performed.

The story is peak Detective Noir.
The Blacksad comics (as far as I know) are not the most groundbreaking in terms of how they shack up the Detective Noir genre, but rather just embrace the genre and use all of its best tropes to tell some insanely well-written stories, and this game is no different. The story has so many well-done twists and turns I genuinely didn't know what I was gonna see turning around the corner; which I think is a true mark of quality for any detective noir story.

Bottom line if you can deal with a lot of jank and a few visual bugs you might find what is possibly one of the best point-and-click games of the past generation.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
