Let me put this into perspective.
I found this ambulance that had some awful textures, but it also had the word ambulance on it, but it was placed on backwords and all of Cobra Kai calling cards are just fucking jpegs they slapped on the ground.
Basically what I'm getting at is no cared while making this so why the fuck should I care about this shitty game.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2021


3 years ago

watch Cobra Kai instead

3 years ago

MMMMMMMMM naaa I don't feel like it

3 years ago

Wait, is the reverse ambulance word written on the front? Because if so then that's accurate. This is so that drivers would see the word "ambulance" the right way around when viewing it through their rear-view mirror. But if the backwards ambulance word is on the side well then that's just stupid

3 years ago

The word ambulance was written on the side of the vehicle, from the looks of it the Developers took a text font of the word ambulance and slapped it on the side of the vehicle, and forgot to reverse it.
even if it was accurate I still had so many other problems with the game and that was just a handful of stuff I could think of off the top of my head.