Sonic fans on this page only rated this game so low because they're salty that it doesn't have Big the Cat in it. Look, here's the thing: the Wii's vanilla motion controls don't really work, so this game was doomed from the start. That said, they were at least trying something different from the core Sonic games, which really, really stunk around this time. (Just to clarify, Secret Rings released a scant 1 year after the disaster known as Sonic 2006, and it's certainly a great deal better than that franchise low-point.) Definitely worth checking out if you're curious to see how an genuinely novel platformer might have taken advantage of the Wii's motion controls, if you're willing to accept from the start that the experiment utterly failed.

Reviewed on May 18, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

Big the Cat is in the game tho