I first heard discourse around this game around people who are generally terminally online, who praised this as the second coming of Undertale. so much so that there were people in my college classes who were inspired by this! and as a terminally online zoomer, i was instantly captivated! I actively avoided anything regarding this game as to not get spoiled, and put off playing it for a while until i had a good enough excuse to try, and i finally did!

Needless to say, it didn't quite live up to the expectations i originally had. If i had to describe this game, i would call it "Girl-Core", as the only people i know who like this game are all women.

I clearly didn't get the appeal, i don't think this game is for me. Maybe i'll come back to this at a later date and finish it to see what it's all about, but for now i'll leave it on the shelf.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024
