Started playing this game in maybe 2015 after I bought a loose ex-rental copy, played the shit out of it, loved it, thought it was wayyyy better than BL1.
Turns out that copy of the game was the wrong reigon to play DLC so I had to beg ma to buy the GOTY / season pass version on PSN when it was $20aud. From that point on it was all I played till maybe 2018 and I still play it occasionally.

There is so much SHIT to do, the art is good, the dificulty is tollerable and expects you to do SOME homework and the community always documents where to find shit and how. It lets you build characters how you want in any way you want. PS3 version ran like ass and conked out my whole ass PS3 at times tho.
I'll probably do another playthru soon.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
